Going Beyond Your Major: Service-Learning Preparation | Education USA

Going Beyond Your Major: Service-Learning Preparation

Going Beyond Your Major: Service-Learning Preparation

Have you ever wondered about the diverse service-learning opportunities across the globe?

Service-learning actively involves students in a wide range of experiences, including Internships, which often benefit the community, while also advancing the goals of a given curriculum. But, how can you use it to gain valuable experience? How to identify leadership opportunities in the above programs?

Ms. Celeste Giordani, International Enrollment Counselor of Boise State University will dive into going beyond your major through Internships, Service Learning, CPT/OPT preparation during this session. This session will also define Majors, Minors, & Certificates, and how you can use them within U.S. higher education to build your resume and gain experience outside your Bachelor’s discipline.

Event time: 05:00 PM | July 16, 2020 (Kyiv time)
Registration here.

Registration deadline: 06:00 PM | July 15, 2020 (Kyiv time)

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