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Scholarships at Union Community College

Scholarships at Union Community College

Union College offers a wide variety of scholarships to help our students achieve their educational goals.

  • Oliver Franklin Scholarship is awarded to a full- or part-time student who has a 3.2 GPA at the time of application majoring in Business. Preference will be given to international students and those who demonstrate financial need.
  • Taras Shevchenko Scholarship is awarded to a full or part-time matriculated student of Ukrainian descent with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum of 12 credits. The applicant must submit a 300-word essay (word processed) on some aspect of Ukrainian life (e.g., culture, history, economy, education, technology), past or present. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement, financial need and evaluation of the essay.

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