Artificial Intelligence Majors With IIT | Education USA

Artificial Intelligence Majors With IIT

Artificial Intelligence Majors With IIT

For those who are interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence, please join our webinar with a representative from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). You will be able to learn more about the field, majors, and what you can do with it after graduation. IIT is one of the only schools in the U.S. to offer this as a Bachelor and Master’s degree program. Register in advance for this webinar.

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Illinois Tech is internationally recognized in distinctive areas of education and research. It uses as its platform the global city of Chicago, driven by a professional and technology-oriented focus, and based on a culture of innovation and excellence. It’s a small, private university focused on technology and innovation. Its mission is to provide distinctive and relevant education in an environment of scientific, technological, and professional knowledge creation and innovation.

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