Graduate Boot Camp | Education USA

Graduate Boot Camp

Graduate Boot Camp

The Graduate Boot Camp is an intensive virtual program for future applicants to Master’s and PhD programs in the US.

It consists of 3 online sessions on the following topics:

– how to find the right program and university;
– what funding is available to international students;
– how to put together a competitive application package.

Each session builds on the previous one, so participants should plan to attend all three sessions to receive the full range of information about applying to graduate programs in the U.S.

The Boot Camp will be of great benefit to students in third and fourth courses as well as young professionals who are ready to make their first steps to get their graduate degree in the United States.


  • November 10, 6.30pm
  • November 17, 6.30pm
  • November 24, 6.30pm

Where: The link for the online sessions will be sent to the registered participants.

Please register here.

Participation is free. The number of places is limited, so do not delay, register now!

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Допоможемо з вирiшенням питань на онлайн- консультацiї.