GRE Boot Camp | Education USA

GRE Boot Camp

GRE Boot Camp

GRE Boot Camp is an intensive virtual program for future applicants to U.S. universities that would like to find out about the standardized test for Graduate admission and on how to prepare for the tests. This program is for prospective students who are planning to apply for Master’s and PhD programs.
It consists of 3 online sessions during which the participants will find out what is GRE, it’s structure and on how to better prepare for the test. We will also talk about best practices, tips and recommendations.

Each session builds on the previous one, so participants should plan to attend all three sessions to receive the full range of information about applying to graduate programs in the U.S.
The Boot Camp will be of great benefit to the students interested in studying in the US on Master’s and PhD programs. Also, it would be beneficial to working professionals who are ready to continue their higher education on Master’s and PhD level.

The link for the online sessions will be sent to the registered participants.

Please register here.

Participation is free. The number of places is limited, so do not delay, register now!

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